3D Modelling and Printing of Christmas ornaments at the Gozo VPA

In a recent 3D Modelling class at the MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School led by Graphic Arts Teacher Shawn Cauchi, students computer modelled and printed their own Christmas ornaments.

After creating their model in a previous lesson, students Mikela Magro, Aleksander Attard, and Ayden Attard 3D printed their creations. After preparing them for paint by sanding and priming them, the students had then sprayed-painted their respective models gold, silver and red, ennsuring them a good polished finish.

The photo and video featured the process offer a glimpse into the fusion of technology and craftsmanship of the project: from the 3D printing to the hands-on nature of the artistic process, of spray-painting and refining the models.