What seemed impossible at the outstart, that is to hold drama and dance lessons online turned out to be a real success story for the Malta School of Drama and Dance.
In the months during which COVID-19 forced us to close the physical doors to our school, technology opened the doors of virtual learning. Lessons continued online and thanks to our dedicated educators and talented and committed students not only were they a success but have given a new dimension to pedagogy and particularly teaching in learning at our school.
This is also thanks to the strong belief of our Head of College Network who supported the Head of School and all the educators during this journey.
We are currently uploading a number of videos posted to us by our educators and students which we shall be calling “Vetrina Virtwali” (our virtual showcase). The videos are the result of the hard work put in during this particular time. Presenting the works in this manner was challenging for all but the results speak on everyone’s behalf.
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