Auditions to join the Malta Youth Orchestra

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College eligible students are encouraged to take up this opportunity.

The Malta Youth Orchestra (MYO) is auditioning for the coming season! If you would like to join the MYO follow these 4 easy steps.

1. Click on the following link (…/EvQXNCkDdfJK…) and

2. Download the application and the excerpts (click on your instrument),

3. Fill the application, and attach any related documents (including your chosen piece), then

4. Send by email to

All applicants must be of a minimum of Grade 5 on their instrument and the piece prepared for the audition must be of Grade 6.

Make sure that your application reaches us by midday Monday, July 12.

Should you have any questions please call during office hours on 2226 1900 and ask for the MYO Office.