The school of Art organized its Professional Development programme for staff and teachers over two days: the 3 and 4th April.
The team sessions touched upon 3 aspects being Pedagogy, care for others and self-care. On the first day Dr Mirjana Batinić led ‘Pedagogical Approaches in Training for the 6- to 12-year-old students‘ whilst Mr Roderick Camilleri spoke about ‘Reflections on Contemporary Art‘. Both sessions left an impact and were eagerly digested by all those present who actively participated in the discussions.
The second day was centered on Wellness of the being. A strong session was delivered by a guest speaker and social worker, Ms Christine Borg which proved to be very insightful and fruitful. This was followed by 2 other sessions also focused on the workers’ wellbeing. Mr Ruth Chircop led a Yoga demonstration which gave hints on how to relax in stressful moments- be it at work or elsewhere. The other session was led by Ms Glorian S. Micallef-Grimaud and dealt with the Japanese Art of Floral design which emerged with Chinese migrating monks in the 6th century and then filtered its way across the globe.