Dear Students / Guardians
It has just been communicated that schools shall remain closed at least until 17th April 2020. The schools within the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC), are doing everything possible in order to keep in touch with every student and practice remote teaching as much as possible.
As you know, when you registered for your courses, you were asked to provide an email address. Those of you who provided a valid email address have already begun receiving resources and other announcements from the educators so as to assure continued learning as far as possible in the circumstances.
We kindly ask you to follow the communications sent to you via the MAVC College’s digital platform (MySchools portal) as much as possible since most material is being sent using this digital tool. If for any reason the said communications are not reaching you or you know of anyone who has not been receiving the said material, we kindly ask you to contact the school clerk in order to provide a correct/up-to-date email address:
MAVC, Malta School of Music: 2598 3760
MAVC, Malta School of Art: 2598 3782
MAVC, Malta School of Drama & Dance: 2598 3740
MAVC, Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School: 2598 3808
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the administration of each school within the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College for the thorough coordination that is going on between my office and the respective schools. Special thanks goes to the teachers and educators employed within the MAV College for the great dedication they are showing. I know that the great majority of these have already begun communicating with the students using various means (telephone, skype, messenger, emails, webinars, Teams etc.) Everyone was left free to use the communication tools he/she is most comfortable with. Attendance of the students virtually attending the lessons is also being taken digitally.
This extraordinary situation worldwide, is serving to show the extraordinary teachers/educators who work within the College. Every educator is doing his/her absolute best to ensure the continued teaching as much as possible even within the visual and performing arts sector is actually taking place.
Thank you above all to you for your cooperation. Please do keep in touch. God Bless and Stay Safe.
Victor Galea
Head of College Network