Opportunity to take part in MAVC’s annual production.

For the third time, Mikiel Anton Vassalli College is putting up a multi-disciplinary production involving all of it’s 4 schools through the artistic platform Belt il-Bniedem (City of Humanity) . In 2022 MAVC produced Blat: The Island Fortress, the first ever Maltese oper film and this year MAVC produced the operetta Ġawhar Misjub.

For May 2024, the focus shall be on a drama with music and dance named Id-Dejjem (The Everlink). The original script shall be written by renowned scriptwriter Malcolm Galea and the music by Reuben Pace. As in the past productions, the College has recruited professionals who will mentor the students during their practice for this production. These include a stage director, an orchestral conductor, a choir master, costume and makeup artists, a lighting designer, a set designer and set builder, a choreographer, amongst others.

Students attending our school are encouraged to take part in this year’s unique opportunity by filling the form in the link provided below. Students who take part will obtain an Award in Placement in a Multi-disciplinary Production after being duly assessed. This award is worth 24 ECTS.

Click on this link to fill the form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPageV2.aspx?subpage=design&FormId=O3ivQUNSKEy3pGcsC57e0ntERv5o879CpUhocRFBFuJUNkVGQkRGSERRTVU0WlVENU5KSzEyR1hYNi4u

Deadline: 15th December