School of Art Special Modelling and Sculpture Workshop for MVPA Students.

The MAVC Malta School of Art had the pleasure to host a delightful and numerous group of students from the Malta Visual and Performing Arts school (MVPA School). They had the opportunity to explore 3D artwork design including digital modelling, as well as, traditional sculpture and casting techniques.

Mr Roderick Camilleri led a workshop which probed into Digital 3D modelling delivered to the 7th and 8th year students, whilst Mr Jesmond Vassallo, led a workshop to the 9th and 10th year students which was focused on moulding and casting. Both workshops were hands-on, providing all the students the opportunity to test and apply techniques and methods whilst creating their very own interpretations and artworks.

The students were also given a brief history and a tour of the school by Glorian M-Grimaud and Mr Lino Borg guided the students around the print-making studio whilst providing an in-depth explanation about the diverse printing methods. All the participants were thoroughly engaged in this one-off workshop, and managed to produce rewarding results.

The students were accompanied by their Art teachers, namely – Elizabeth Brincat and Donald Camilleri, whilst Peter Paul Caruana and Stefania Sant also gave their assistance as LSE.