MAVC Gozo Visual & Performing Arts School goes PINK!

Every October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an opportunity to spread awareness about the disease that kills nearly 41,000 women each year. For the month of October the external lights of the MAVC Visual & Performing Arts Schools have been turning to Pink. Breast cancer awareness is only a small first in the right direction. […]

Head of College Network visits the Gozo VPA School

On Tuesday 6th of October, following the opening of the school year, Mr. Victor Galea, Head of College Network, visited the VPA School in a routine visit to make sure all implementation and Covid-19 precautions are being correctly followed. Mr. Galea was very pleased to see teachers and students happily complying with all implemented measures. […]

MAVC Gozo Visual & Performing Arts School’s First Day.

The MAVC Gozo Visual & Performing Arts School is back, the way we know it and love it, well, with a few small changes! The first day went very smoothly. We are very happy to have welcomed our students (of all disciplines) back to the School. The school has changed a little through summer, it […]

MAVC VPA Classes are starting this coming Monday

The MAVC Gozo Visual & Performing Arts School is happy to inform students and parents that the school will open next Monday, 5th October 2020. Kindly note that the time and day of the lessons, which have already been sent remain unchanged. Should you require further info you can contact the school on 25983800 between […]

The MAVC Gozo Visual & Performing Arts School is ready to start.

The MAVC Visual and Performing Arts School is ready to open. Safety First! Everything is in place according to the Protocol for COVID-19 Mitigation Measures, we are just waiting for the green light, which should be coming any day. We will keep you informed. Here are some photos of some of the implementations. Should you […]

Protocol for COVID-19 Mitigation Measures in Visual and Performing Arts Education (Music, Art, Drama and Dance)

Covid-19 protocols launched to protect staff, students and guardians at Visual and Performing Arts Educational Institutions During these unprecedented times of uncertainties around the globe, the Office of the Head of College Network (Mikiel Anton Vassalli College), had been in communication with other main stakeholders who provide visual and performing arts education and services to […]

Applications for courses in Art, Music, Dance & Drama will be opening during the first week of September.

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College would like to inform the general public that the schools forming part of this College Network shall be receiving online applications from new students for the academic year 2020-2021 during the first week of September. Various subjects are offered at all levels: from Beginner levels to those leading to a Diploma […]

Gozo VPA Preliminary Introduction to Music Class Videos

In the past month, the “Preliminary Introduction to Music” students of the MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Art School have been working along with their Music Teacher Mr. Antoine Theuma, to perform some classic children tunes for their classes online ensembles. Twinkle Twinkle The pupils, aged between 6 and 8, performed along with their classmates […]

Going beyond the physical school – VPA Gozo

A word of praise for our Teachers The last three months have been, different … strange … unusual and from a school-as-we-know-it perspective … out of all schemes. Yet presented with the challenge of a sudden shift of what we got used to see as a normal scholastic year, we needed to react, reorganise and […]

Gozo VPA School improvements

The running of a school which houses over 1200 students, 70 courses and which incorporates 4 departments (art, music, drama and dance) under one roof, requires a constant eye to the future and a continuous maintenance and upgrading of the school premises. Only so, can the school maintain it’s appeal and functionality and keep up […]

Message and Notification for MAVC end of Scholastic Year 2019-20

Dear Educators, Parents and Students at the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, We are nearing the end of this scholastic year 2019-2020. It was a year characterised by new challenges that also effected the learning process, with teaching and learning being varied: conventional methods up to the 13th of March and continued virtually until today. RESULTS  […]

Victor Galea

Preventive Measures against Covid-19 at MAVC schools.

Further to the direction issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Health, the Ministry for Education and Employment is ensuring that the precautions indicated by the health authority are adopted in the offices and workplaces that fall under the Ministry. All offices within the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) are implementing several measures […]