Mikiel Anton Vassalli College – the national college for the performing and visual arts education, is seeking to recruit educators on a part-time basis to join its Artistic Multi-Disciplinary Department (dance, drama, music, art). The multi-disicplinary Department is the latest , exciting development within the college. This Department is offering courses related to the multi-disciplinary […]
12 September |
The Malta School of Art has published its Full Prospectus for all courses to be offered during the scholastic year 2023-2024. Applications will be open at 08:30am on the 24th of July till midnight 4th of August 2023 on the following site: https://mavc.gov.mt/programme/apply The 2023-24 Prospectus may be viewed online on: SoA Prospectus 2023 – 2024 The Malta School of Art aims to foster innovation within a framework based on inclusiveness, […]
4 August |
Let’s Celebrate Europe’, a project created on the 70th anniversary of the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, saw the coming together of 26 countries of the European Union, including Malta with over 1,200 young people aged between 11 and 12 singing together at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The project was the fruit of a partnership […]
8 June |
As advocates for the visual and performing arts (VPA) education, educational leaders within the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) met the Director General from the Education Strategy and Quality Assurance Department as part of the consultation process towards the Education National Strategy 2024-2030. MAVC appreciate the efforts made by the Core Team working on the […]
7 June |
The Malta School of Art has published its Prospectus for the accredited courses (MQF Level 1 – 5) for the scholastic year 2023-2024. Earlybird applications for new students will open at 08:30 on the 5th of June till midnight 9th of June on the following site: https://mavc.gov.mt/programme/apply The 2023-24 Prospectus may be viewed online on SoA Prospectus 2023 – 2024 The […]
31 May |
Mikiel Anton Vassalli College has been invited to join other young people from the 26 EU countries for the celebrations taking place in Strasbourg, France. Students attending one or more of the MAVC schools (Malta School of Art, Malta School of Drama and Dance, Malta School of Music and the Gozo VPA School) will be participating. As part of the […]
26 May |
The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College – Malta School of Art would like to thank Ms Monica Persico who kindly donated to the school a bust of Giovanni Battista Delia, her grandfather. The bust, in plaster of paris, is the work by artist Emanuel Borg Gauci (1911-1991). The same bust was even exhibited at Palazzo De […]
18 May |
IdeARTI, 2nd edition, is soon ending with an exhibition ‘Permanence’ displaying printmaking creations, which was housed at the school. This was a process-based Art project by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ which saw 5 participants work side by side to produce fine prints. This project aims to support the most promising student to be given a scholarship at […]
The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College and the Malta School of Art, in collaboration with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, have yet again put up an outstanding programme with promising young artists working on printing project which culminated in an exhibition at the school entitled ‘Permanence‘. This second edition of IdeArti follows last year’s project ‘Transitions‘ which was another artistic […]
8 May |
The Malta School of Art took the initiative to restore a number of Donkey’s benches which belonged to the school many decades ago. These comfortable benches serve both as a seat and as an easel and are now gracing the foyer. Some teachers grasped the opportunity to use them for sketching directly from the collection […]
27 April |
The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, and the Malta School of Art, in conjunction with Agenzija Zghazagh, is mounting an exhibition entitled ‘Permanence‘. This display of printed Art works by students attending idejArti is the fruit of a process-based project led by 2 veteran artists and printmakers. At the end of this project, and after a thorough […]
20 April |