SoA – IdeARTI Printmaking – Permanence – 28.04.2023

The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, and the Malta School of Art, in conjunction with Agenzija Zghazagh, is mounting an exhibition entitled ‘Permanence‘. This display of printed Art works by students attending idejArti is the fruit of a process-based project led by 2 veteran artists and printmakers. At the end of this project, and after a thorough […]

World Art Day at the Malta School of Art

The 15th of April was World Art Day: an occasion to shine a light on arts education in schools, as culture can pave the way for inclusive and equitable education. Art is proven to nurture creativity, innovation and cultural diversity for all peoples across the globe, and it plays an important role in sharing knowledge and encouraging […]

Professional Development programme for staff and teachers

The school of Art organized its Professional Development programme for staff and teachers over two days: the 3 and 4th April. The team sessions touched upon 3 aspects being Pedagogy, care for others and self-care. On the first day Dr Mirjana Batinić  led ‘Pedagogical Approaches in Training for the 6- to 12-year-old students‘ whilst Mr Roderick […]

INTEREtching Workshop at the Malta School of Art

2nd year sixth-form students at St Martins’ College and Mr Victor Bezzina, their Learning Area Leader,  had a workshop at the Malta School of Art Printing Room with a practical session led by local artist-printmaker and educator at the Malta School of Art, Jesmond Vassallo.  The project entitled INTEREtching, supported by Arts Council Malta, covered different stages on copper plates until the final […]

Celebrating Diversity – exhibition by the Malta School of Art

An exhibition of paintings is being hosted at the foyer of the Malta School of Art. The title is Celebrating Diversity with the participation of three schools, mainly St Benedict College, Birzebbugia, Stella Maris College, Gzira Primary and the Malta School of Art. Viewing is free and is open till the 21st March. You are all invited.

Maltese Students to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the European Parliament

As part of the European youth exchange project, the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College has been invited to join 26 groups of young people from the 26 EU countries. The Maltese group is being invited to Alsace (France) in May 2023 for this 2 year artistic exchange project. Students from the Malta School of Art, Malta […]

Malta School of Art’s Carnival Costumes

The Malta School of Art was bright and loud in preparation for the Carnival activities. Many teachers took the initiative to create costumes from recycled material during class to the delight of the students. Students then paraded in the school foyer and showed off their original costumes. This was a lively event which was well taken […]

MAVC Malta School of Arts offers full MQF level qualifications in various art subjects

The Administrator of the MAVC Malta School of Art Mr Umberto Buttigieg, together with Art Teacher Mr Roderick Camilleri explains how the Malta School of Art in Valletta had been contributing to the education of art since 1923 and how the School’s story is now part of the Maltese patrimony. Moreover, both explain how since […]

5 December |

Director General DES and Head of College Network visited the MAVC Malta School of Art in Valletta

Yesterday, 24th of November 2022, the Director General (DES) Mr Emile Vassallo and the Head of College Network visited MAVC Malta School of Arts in Valletta. The school visit was received by School Administrator Mr Umberto Buttigieg  and Education Coordinator Ms Glorian Sammut, who showed the D.G. around the school.

25 November |

About the College for the Arts

The Malta School of Art in Valletta, the Malta School of Drama and Dance in Blata l-Bajda, the Malta School of Music in Hamrun and the Gozo Visual and Performing Arts Schools in Xewkija became the network of specialized schools which formed part of the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) on the 19th November 2018. […]

“A College for the Arts” presented to Arts Council Malta

“A College for the Arts” presented to Arts Council Malta Arts Council Malta Chairman Albert Marshall and Funding & Strategy Director Mary Ann Cauchi met Victor Galea the Head of College Network Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, for the presentation of the book ‘A College for the Arts’. Established in 2018, the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College […]

MAVC – Malta School of Art doubles the accredited classes for the scholastic year 2022-2023

A professional development session took place at the MAVC, Malta School of Art on the 29th and the 30th September. On the first day, the Head of College Network, Mr. Victor Galea, greeted the educators and introduced Mr. Emile Vassallo, the College’s Director General, Directorate for Education Services, who gave a warm introductory speech for […]

11 October |