MSDD What’s up? Drama students across various levels fully engaged in their work

For those of you who might be wondering what goes on during our drama lessons at the MAVC Malta School of Drama & Dance in Blata l-Bajda; the past few months and those ahead have been a busy time in preparation for smaller projects which came to life at the end of the first term […]

New Multipurpose flooring to be installed at Malta School of Drama and Dance

In the coming months, one of the studios which is used regularly at the Malta School of Drama and Dance in Blata l-Bajda will be undergoing extensive works as the current flooring will be replaced by one which is suitable for all the disciplines it is used for that is drama and the various dance […]

Working Opportunities in the Visual and Performing Arts

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College – the national college for the performing and visual arts education, is seeking to recruit educators on a part-time basis to join its Artistic Multi-Disciplinary Department (dance, drama, music, art). The multi-disicplinary Department is the latest , exciting development within the college. This Department is offering courses related to the multi-disciplinary […]

Let’s Celebrate Europe!

Let’s Celebrate Europe’, a project created on the 70th anniversary of the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, saw the coming together of 26 countries of the European Union, including Malta with over 1,200 young people aged between 11 and 12 singing together at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The project was the fruit of a partnership […]

MAVC meeting with DG on the Education National Strategy 2024-30

As advocates for the visual and performing arts (VPA) education, educational leaders within the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) met the Director General from the Education Strategy and Quality Assurance Department as part of the consultation process towards the Education National Strategy 2024-2030. MAVC appreciate the efforts made by the Core Team working on the […]

Ġawhar Misjub – An Operatic Banquet – Some of the Students taking part

The production ‘Ġawhar Misjub – An Operatic Banquet‘ also involves many students, which is a great opportunity for them to learn from direct experience. Thea de Gray and Jodie Grech are two of the dancers taking part in the production. Almikaya Aquilina, Amy Cachia Musu and Faye Galea are 3 students taking part in the […]

MAVC Students invited to represent Malta for the 70th Anniversary celebrations of the EU Parliament in Strasbourg

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College has been invited to join other young people from the 26 EU countries for the celebrations taking place in Strasbourg, France. Students attending one or more of the MAVC schools (Malta School of Art, Malta School of Drama and Dance, Malta School of Music and the Gozo VPA School) will be participating. As part of the […]

Maltese Students to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the European Parliament

As part of the European youth exchange project, the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College has been invited to join 26 groups of young people from the 26 EU countries. The Maltese group is being invited to Alsace (France) in May 2023 for this 2 year artistic exchange project. Students from the Malta School of Art, Malta […]

Ġawhar Misjub – Discovered Gems

These are discovered gems indeed! It gives me great pleasure to be able to present yet another College production with the efforts and contributions from the specialised schools of the visual and performing arts (schools of Drama, Dance, Music and Art) through the artistic platform Belt il‑Bniedem and this time with the collaboration of the […]

The Dance Department of the MAVC Malta School of Drama & Dance

Ms Yasmin Falzon representing another style of dance that she teaches at the dance department of the Malta School of Drama and Dance. Together with some of her students they discussed their passion for dance. They got to perform one of the numbers they had for last year’s school show. “With a bit of tweaking […]

New MQF Level 3 Certificate in Practical Multi-Disciplinary Studies in the Visual & Performing Arts.

Dr Reuben Pace and Glorianne Sammut Eduction Co-ordinator from the MAVC Malta School of  Art together with students from the  MQF Level 3 Certificate in Practical Multi-Disciplinary Studies in the Visual and Performing Arts. This Course at this level is targetted for students aged 11 – 15 and since its ongoing one may apply here: […]

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College presents: The Artistic Platform ‘Belt-il Bniedem’ – City of Humanity  

Mikiel Anton Vassalli Head of College Network, Mr Victor Galea explains the benefits of the Artistic Platform City of Humanity to the students attending one or more of the schools within the College (Music, Arts, Drama & Dance). Dr Reuben Pace, the conciever of this artistic platform explains how students are given the opportunity to […]