Opera-Film BLAT – the island fortress Premiere in Photos

Here are some photos from the Premiere of the Opera-Film BLAT – the Island Fortress on the 23rd June 2022 @ Eden Cinemas more photos can be found and downloaded at the following link:Opera-Film Premiere more photos can be found and downloaded at the following link:Opera-Film Premiere

Il-Film tal-opra BLAT, proġett tal-Kulleġġ Mikiel Anton Vassalli fuq MaltArti

L-imħabba, il-klassi soċjali, u l-impatt diżastruż tal-gwerra f’pajjiżna: Minn hawn tibda l-istorja ta’ Madeleine, Marco u Kelinu fil-film tal-opra BLAT, proġett tal-Kulleġġ Mikiel Anton Vassalli bis-sehem ta’ bosta esperti fis-settur.

Liberta’ Show – 2022 MAVC Schools’ Showcase

On Saturday 25th June, after an absence of two years due to the pandemic, the MAVC School students will be returning to the stage for what we have decided to call “Liberta’” the 2022 school showcase. This year this is being held by the collaboration of three schools within the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, namely […]

MAVC Blockcert Credentials

Reference is made to communication of last October 2021, MAVC Accredited Courses | Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (gov.mt)   The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College would like to inform all learners that MAVC Blockcert Credentials are ONLY issued when learners are successful in the accredited courses as per Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) regulations as […]


It is March 1940, most of Europe is embroiled in the war between the Allied and the Axis but so far Malta has been spared the brunt of this war. Madeleine, a middle class girl from Valletta is in love with Marco a devoted Italian fascist and this creates problems with Madeleine’s father as the […]

The Quality of Our Future Depends on the Quality of Our Thinking.

The course META LEARNING AND THINKING SKILLS residential course which took place in Gozo has been a success. The participants have been embedded into the necessary processes for learning. Different frameworks have been provided for thinking such as the Bloom’s taxonomy, structured thinking of De Bono, critical thinking, growth mindset, philosophy, meta-learning and other major […]

Learning Flamenco @ the MAVC Malta School of Drama & Dance

Svetlana Silina, senior Flamenco educator at the MAVC Malta School of Drama and Dance speaks about her experience at the School where she has been teaching since 2004. She also shares the basic concepts behind the dance discipline.

Student taking MQF Level 5 (Diploma) course at the MAVC Malta School of Drama & Dance

Drama educator Aaron Fenech and Level 5 student Karl Schembri, share their experiences with regard to the diploma course at the MAVC Malta School of Drama and Dance and explain the necessity of expanding one’s knowledge in the field of drama even when it comes to theory. 

Director of BLAT Wins Malta Film Award

The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College would like to congratulate Mr Alan Fenech, School Administrator at the Malta School for Dance & Drama, which is found within the same College, for the prestigious award won last Saturday at the Malta Film Awards. Fenech won the Best Classic Award for his film Scrooge which he had produced […]

MAVC Accredited Courses

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College is now a licensed education institution committed to provide a high quality educational experience in the visual and performing arts education through its Schools of Dance, Drama/Theatre Studies, Music and Art in Malta and Gozo. The educational framework is based on contemporary methodologies and research. Maria Angela Schembri Meli who is […]

300 Students from M.A.V. College, Working and Learning from Professionals in the Entertainment Industry throughout the Summer.

Early on Sunday morning 12th September, Minister for Education Justyne Caruana visited the filming for the Opera-Film BLAT – The Island Fortress. On that day the filming set was Fort St. Elmo in Valletta. Upon visiting the production on set, The Hon. Minister acknowledged the “enormous benefit to both the students and staff at the […]

Blat Opera-Film: Calling Dance Students

Calling all dance students aged 14+ Auditions on Saturday 10th July 2021 For more information and to book your place send an email on: mavc.schoolofdrama@ilearn.edu.mt