
A Generous Donation to the Gozo VPA School’s Music Department

In a quiet act of kindness, Ms. Alison Hallett has made a meaningful contribution to the MAVC Gozo Visual & Performing Arts school. Her thoughtful donation to the Music Department, comprising of a concert flute in it’s original case, music books and sheets, and six contemporary tin whistles (in different keys), is a gesture that […]

Il-Maskerat Exhibition

An exhibition with the name il-Maskerat will be presented at the MAVC Malta School of Art. The works by students following the 3D Thematic based project being led by Ms Sephora Borg, Mr Matthew Pandolfino will explore how these students, between the ages of twelve, and thirteen, view this aspect of Carnival. Exhibits will include […]

Opportunity for Middle and Secondary School-aged Students to learn and take part in a Multidisciplinary Art Production

Every year, Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) puts up a multidisciplinary production which involves professionals and students working and performing together. In 2022, the College produced an Opera – Film (BLAT – the Island Fortress) and in 2023 live excerpts from operas by Maltese composers (Gawhar Misjub) took place. For May 2024, the focus shall […]

Festive Concerts and Activities by the School of Music

As we come to the end of this festive season, we take a look back at all the event which the School of Music students participated in during the month of December 2023. The School’s Little Big Band were invited to participate in the 100 Year Celebration of the Malta Society of Arts. Our students […]

3D Modelling and Printing of Christmas ornaments at the Gozo VPA

In a recent 3D Modelling class at the MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School led by Graphic Arts Teacher Shawn Cauchi, students computer modelled and printed their own Christmas ornaments. After creating their model in a previous lesson, students Mikela Magro, Aleksander Attard, and Ayden Attard 3D printed their creations. After preparing them for […]

Christmas’ VPA Dance Department video released

As the Christmas season approaches, with the Music and Drama Performances in full swing, last Tuesday 12th of December was the release day of the Christmas Dance Video by the MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School’s. Crafted under the guidance of Dance teacher Ms. Cristabel Bajada, and filmed and edited by school’s content creator, […]

Gozo VPA School’s Lunchtime Concert at Il-Ħaġar Museum

This past Saturday, the MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School presented a musical treat during our annual Lunchtime Concert at Il-Ħaġar Museum. The event, organized in collaboration with Il-Ħaġar – Heart of Gozo Museum, featured captivating performances by three ensembles of the school’s talented students and teachers. The performances divided in three parts, included flute […]

It-Tħabbira Art Exhibition

An exhibition with it-Tħabbira as a theme, is being hosted in the school’s foyer and will feature works by teacher artists and students at the school. The ideas being explored for this exhibition revolve around themes related to the story of the nativity of Jesus and narratives which might be linked with pregnancy, birth and family, […]

Malta School of Music’s Christmas Concert

A must in your calendar; MAVC Malta School of Music’s annual Christmas Concert on Friday 15th December 2023 at 6pm at St. George’s Parish Church, Qormi. There will be an array of music to cheer up and warm your souls; music from the Baroque period to the present day. A very varied presentation all made […]

School of Art Students visit to Spazju Kreattiv

MAVC School of Arts students attending classes with Ms Lewis and Ms Batinic had a whale of a time this week, when instead of an in-class lesson they visited the ongoing exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv entitled “Possible Worlds” featuring 9 local and international artists’ works, including Pierre Portelli,  whose installation hints at the destruction of […]

7 December |

Malta School of Art – Christmas Events

The Malta School of Art is preparing for Christmas and is therefore organizing a series of activities for the period. An exhibition with it-Tħabbira as a theme, will be hosted in the school’s foyer and will feature works by teacher artists and students at the school. The exhibition will be open to the public as from 14th December […]

Opportunity to take part in MAVC’s annual production.

For the third time, Mikiel Anton Vassalli College is putting up a multi-disciplinary production involving all of it’s 4 schools through the artistic platform Belt il-Bniedem (City of Humanity) . In 2022 MAVC produced Blat: The Island Fortress, the first ever Maltese oper film and this year MAVC produced the operetta Ġawhar Misjub. For May […]