Dr.Reuben Pace talks on Newsbook.

On todays’s Newsbook podcast, Dr.Reuben Pace, Producer and composer talks about the Play with Music and Dance ‘Id-Dejjem’ (The Everlink). This multi-disciplinary production is being put up by Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, Malta’s national college for the Performing and Visual Arts. It is part of an annual series which the College puts up in collaboration […]

‘Id-Dejjem’ on Niskata TVM (PBS) Programme

On Monday 20th May, Isaac Micallef who is part of the choir and Owen Polidano as an actor in the theatrical works of ‘Id-Dejjem‘ along with the production manager Emmanuel Cassar who appeared on TVM afternoon magazine programme ‘Niskata‘ talked about their involvement in the annual MAVC ‘Id-Dejjem’ (The Everlink) which will be performed on Friday […]

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College launches open call for auditions of solo voices.

Every year Mikiel Anton Vassalli College in Collaboration with Belt il-Bniedem puts up a multi-disciplinary production. Next year in April 2025 MAVC shall be premiering Reuben Pace’s fourth opera ‘Trab – The Rest is Dust’ on a libretto by Ġorġ Peresso. MAVC is offering an open call for auditions to fill the roles of solo […]

Applications for Art, Music, Drama and Dance (Malta and Gozo) scholastic year 2024-25

APPLICATIONS for new intakes for the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) Schools will be opened from the 17th July until the 24th July 2024.On-line Applications for various courses and programmes for Scholastic Year 2024-25 in the following schools ✓ MAVC Malta School of Music (Hamrun) ✓ MAVC Malta School of Art (Valetta) ✓ MAVC Malta […]

Id-Dejjem’ clip ‘Ġimgħa b’Ġimgħa’

On Thursday 16th May, Mackenzie Cauchi, Derine Labada Muscat, Francesca Cauchi Grech and Ginevra Verde along with the Head of Mikiel Anton Vassalli College Network  Mr. Victor Galea and the production manager Emmanuel Cassar appeared on the ‘Ġimgħa b’Ġimgħa‘  NET TV programme  where they talked about their involvement in the annual MAVC ‘Id-Dejjem’ (The Everlink)

MAVC students interviewed about the production ‘Id-Dejjem’ (The Everlink) on the programme Indigo.

On Wednesday 15th May, Mia Josifov, Valentina Muscat, Mackenzie Cauchi and Derine Labada Muscat along with the production manager Emmanuel Cassar appeared on the programme ‘Indigo’ on one TV where they talked about their involvement in the annual MAVC ‘Id-Dejjem’ (The Everlink)

Mapping the sector: Towards the formation of the Academy of the Performing and Visual Arts Seminar

The Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation in collaboration with Arts Council Malta have commissioned ARC Research & Consultancy to carry out a consultation process on mapping and recommendations regarding the needs and requirements for the formation of an Academy for the Performing and Visual Arts.  A one-day seminar will be held on […]

Recognition for the Dedication of Educators and Students taking Visual and Performing Arts Education

Mr Matthew Vella – the Permanent Secretary within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation had some positive words for the Visual and Performing Arts Schools during a meeting held at Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) offices in Hamrun. He specifically referred to performances organised by the Schools and College and that he […]

Opportunity for Middle and Secondary School-aged Students to learn and take part in a Multidisciplinary Art Production

Every year, Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) puts up a multidisciplinary production which involves professionals and students working and performing together. In 2022, the College produced an Opera – Film (BLAT – the Island Fortress) and in 2023 live excerpts from operas by Maltese composers (Gawhar Misjub) took place. For May 2024, the focus shall […]

Opportunity to take part in MAVC’s annual production.

For the third time, Mikiel Anton Vassalli College is putting up a multi-disciplinary production involving all of it’s 4 schools through the artistic platform Belt il-Bniedem (City of Humanity) . In 2022 MAVC produced Blat: The Island Fortress, the first ever Maltese oper film and this year MAVC produced the operetta Ġawhar Misjub. For May […]

Tools that support educational innovation for staff from the Visual and Performing Arts Education

Educational innovation fosters creativity in all the people who make up educational systems and environments and prepares students to face the challenges of the 21st century. In addition, it promotes equal opportunities by providing access to education through new technologies and inclusive approaches. For this reason, Inercia Digital organised a week of training for 2 groups of staff from Mikiel Anton […]

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College part of the “Let’s Celebrate Europe” souvenir film

A preview of the “Celebrate Europe!” souvenir film had been distributed amongst the 1100 students from european countries including the team of students from MALTA and Gozo. Let’s Celebrate Europe’, a project created on the 70th anniversary of the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, saw the coming together of 26 countries of the European Union, including Malta with over 1,100 young […]