
Dialogic Art Gatherings as a tool to motivate learners while enhancing teaching methodologies

The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, Malta School of Art facilitated a training session on May 2021 with the Director Curriculum headed by Ms Sandra Ebejer, Mr David Degabriele – Assistant Director responsible for Art, Ms Charmaine Zammit, Education Officer for Art in Middle and Secondary Schools and Mr Augusto Cardinali, Education Officer for Art in […]

Transnational Dialogic Art Gathering with students from Malta and Spain.

This final stage of an e-twinning project between the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College – Malta School of Art and I.E.S Alfonso II School in Spain will involve an online Transnational Dialogic Art Gathering with the participation of students and educators from both schools. About 30 students ages 12 to 16, together with tutors, staff and community members […]

Webinar Invite: The Artist as Designer – Exploring the Creative Process in Film and Theatre/Opera

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (MAVC) invites you to register for free through the link below in order to learn how what you are learning (music, dance, drama, art) can be applied to the world of work. This webinar should be of interest to any individual interested in the process of learning the creative arts. Here […]

Auditions to join the Malta Youth Orchestra

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College eligible students are encouraged to take up this opportunity. The Malta Youth Orchestra (MYO) is auditioning for the coming season! If you would like to join the MYO follow these 4 easy steps. 1. Click on the following link (…/EvQXNCkDdfJK…) and 2. Download the application and the excerpts (click on your […]

26 May |

After Dürer

As part of the celebrations organised by the Mdina Cathedral Museum to commemorate the 550th anniversary of the birth of one of the most pivotal Northern Renaissance artists, Albrecht Dürer, the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College – Malta School of Art is presenting a collection of prints created by current students of the school. The exhibition […]

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College licenced as a Further & Higher Education Institution

The date of April 27th, 2021 will remain forever etched in the memory and history of The Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (M.A.V.). The day on which the specialised schools in Visual and Performative Arts, within the same college, were licenced as an Institution for Further and Higher Education. The Head of the College Network Mr […]

Malta School of Music Prospectus and New Applications

The Malta School of Music has just published its Prospectus for the 2021-2022 scholastic year, and announced that they will be receiving applications from new students between the 20th and 30th of May. The School of Music currently caters for 880 students ranging from beginners to higher diploma level. With a strong team of 85 […]

STAMPAR – MAVC Gozo VPA School Online Exhibition of Monoprints & Linocuts

An online exhibition curated by MAVC Gozo VPA School’s Arts Teacher Justin Falzon featuring work from “Introduction to Printmaking” students Shirley Debattista, Elena Gatt, Oscar Grech, Kirsty Mercieca, Chris Saliba and Matthew Vella. Introduction to Printmaking is a Level 3 module of Foundation in Visual Arts which can include techniques such as Monoprinting, Linocut printing, […]

Information on the reopening of performing arts schools and assessments/exams at the schools within MAVC

It has been officially announced that performing arts schools in Malta and Gozo will reopen on Monday 10th of May 2021, hence all courses will resume in person. All Leisure courses (open classes), will finish by Saturday 29th May 2021. With regards to courses leading to a qualification/award, you will receive further details from your […]

Malta School of Music – Clarinet Ensemble 2021 – Fantango

The MAVC Malta School of Music Clarinet Ensemble has been active for the past fifteen years and whilst the organic changes from year to year, teachers within the department (Noel Curmi, Hertian Gauci, Godfrey Mifsud) keep working hard to keep a high group standard, whilst helping each student to achieve their best personal qualities.  This […]

Unpacking Feelings through the creative arts – music

Mikiel Anton Vassalli College received the excellent news that it had received both approval and funds to carry out an KA227 EU-funded project called Unpacking Feelings. The Malta School of Music within the College is being entrusted to carry out its deliverables and intellectual outputs. This 2-year adventure (March 2021 – February 2023) will focuses […]